
A magical place

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What is Arbor Day? A Forest of Facts

What is Arbor Day? A Forest of Facts

Arbor Day 2017 falls on Friday, April 28. Dedicate a tree to someone who is special to you and check out these facts about Arbor Day and the man who founded it.
“Other holidays repose upon the past;
Arbor Day proposes for the future.”

–J. Sterling Morton.
When is Arbor Day? National Arbor Day, founded in 1885, is celebrated on the last Friday in April, although some states observe it on different dates to coincide with the local area’s best planting times. For instance, Hawaii celebrates it on the first Friday of November, and Alaskans celebrate it on the third Monday in May.

Who was Julius Sterling Morton?

  • Arbor Day exists because of a zealous tree lover named Julius Sterling Morton.
  • Morton was born in Adams, New York, in 1832 , but his life took a decisive turn on his wedding day in October 1854. After he and his bride, Caroline Joy French were married in Detroit, they headed west for adventure in the wilds of Nebraska Territory. The couple settled on 160 treeless acres (the key word here is treeless).
  • Despite having a busy career and four sons, Morton planted thousands of trees on the homestead he called the Morton “ranche.” He planted an apple orchard, as well as peach, plum and pear trees, plus cottonwoods, evergreens, beeches and more.
  • Morton worked as a journalist and a politician, becoming secretary and acting governor of the Nebraska Territory from 1858 to 1861.
  • In 1893, President Grover Cleveland appointed him U.S. secretary of agriculture. He also served on the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture and the State Horticultural Society.
  • Morton took every opportunity he could to spread the word. He gave speeches and filled his newspaper with agricultural advice, urging Nebraskans to plant trees and try new crops. 
  • In 1872, Morton declared: “If I had the power, I would compel every man in the State who had a home of his own to plant out and cultivate fruit trees.”    

The History of Arbor Day

  • By April 22, 1885 Arbor Day had become a legal holiday in Nebraska.
  • On that day, thousands of Nebraska City citizens turned out for one big party, including 1,000 school-children who formed a parade.
  • Within 20 years of its creation, the holiday was celebrated in every American state except Delaware, which eventually joined in.
  • Particularly pleasing to Morton was the fact that schools across the country began celebrating Arbor Day by dedicating the trees they planted to special people.
  • Arbor Day was almost called Sylvan Day, which means “wooded.” Several members of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture favored it, but Morton argued that sylvan refers only to forest trees and that the name Arbor Day was most inclusive, covering forest trees and fruit trees.
  • Today, the family home, Arbor Lodge, is a state park in Nebraska City, Nebraska.
  • Over the years it grew from four rooms into a 52-room mansion, complete with a terraced garden, a pine grove, and 65 acres with more than 250 varieties of trees and shrubs.
  • J. Sterling Morton died at the age of 70 on April 27, 1902, writing just a month earlier that he hoped to plant trees as soon as the weather turned warm. A statue of him stands in the National Hall of Fame in Washington D.C.
Do you celebrate Arbor Day? What types of trees do you like to plant in your yard? Share with us below!


The 2003 Old Farmer's Almanac

Grow Avocado From Seed It’s Just So Easy

Grow Avocado From Seed It’s Just So Easy

Urban Gardening Secrets

Urban Gardening Secrets

Urban Gardening: Windowsills, Rooftops & Balconies

Even if you live in an apartment in the middle of an urban canyon, don't despair -- you can still garden. It just takes a little creativity to find and use windowsills, rooftops, balconies, and community gardens to grow lush vegetables, flowers, and herbs.

Containers with holes for good drainage and locations with six hours of sun per day are essential partners in urban gardening.

It's hard to get enough light to grow food crops on an indoor windowsill. Glass provides enough UV protection to keep the light from being strong enough. Grow-lights are a better solution indoors because they provide the right light spectrum plants need to grow.
Learn more about plant grow lights.
A windowsill does provide enough light to support many herbs and houseplants, such as parsley, begonia, coleus, hoya, and Swedish ivy. Most flowering plants need bright, indirect sunlight to bloom. Research how much light your plants need when choosing plants and where to place them.
Rooftops and balconies are better venues for growing vegetables and herbs than windowsills because they offer plants more light, plus access to rainwater. In these locations, container gardens rule.
Anyone with a patch of sunshine and a pot can enjoy urban gardening. Here's how to get started.                                                                                                                                      http://www.bhg.com/gardening/landscaping-projects/landscape-basics/urban-gardening-secrets/?utm_source=bhg-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailyinspiration_042517&did=146208-20170425

Friday, April 21, 2017

How to Plant a Tree

How to Plant a Tree

Here are tips on how to plant a tree—from digging the hole to watering the tree properly once it’s planted.
Spring is a great time for planting trees. The garden centers are stocked with container-grown trees, but the choices are often limited.

Order a Tree

By ordering trees from a mail-order nursery, you will have a lot more to choose from and, since you will be living with these trees for many years to come, you can get the ones you really want.
Trees are dug up from beds in the nursery while they are still dormant, packed in damp shavings or peat moss, wrapped in plastic, and shipped off on their cross-country trip to your garden. Since they are sent without any soil, the shipping costs are minimal. They inevitably lose some of their roots when they are first dug up, and the roots and tops are often clipped back before shipping. Like many weary travelers, they arrive in a state of shock and need immediate care.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Plate Flowers Garden Art Looks Amazing

Plate Flowers Garden Art Looks Amazing

These Plate & Hose Garden Flowers will look fabulous in your backyard and they’re so easy to recreate yourself! You can upcycle old dishes as shown in the photo above and use a heavy duty glue to attach pieces of garden hose.
Create a little loop to give the effect on the stems. Scroll our page to view them all!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

When is Earth Day 2017?

When is Earth Day 2017?

When is Earth Day 2017? This observance always falls on April 22. On Earth Day, enjoy the tonic of fresh air, contact with the soil, and companionship with nature! Walk through the woods in search of emerging wildflowers and green moss. Go outside, no matter what the weather!

What is Earth Day?

Ever wondered how Earth Day started? This observance arose from an interest in gathering national support for environmental issues.
In 1970, San Francisco activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson separately asked Americans to join in a grassroots demonstration. McConnell chose the spring equinox (March 21, 1970) and Nelson chose April 22.
Millions of people participated, and today Earth Day continues to be widely celebrated with events on both dates.
The most common practice of celebration is to plant new trees for Earth Day.

Earth Day Dates

Year Earth Day
2017 Saturday, April 22
2018 Sunday, April 22
2019 Monday, April 22

Monday, April 17, 2017

When to Prune Trees and Shrubs

When to Prune Trees and Shrubs

When trees and shrubs become overgrown, it’s time to break out the pruning shears. With this guide, learn when to prune trees and shrubs to get the most out of your plants, and why pruning is such an important part of garden maintenance.

Why prune trees and shrubs?

Plant health is the primary reason for pruning. Look for the 4 “Ds”—dead, dying, diseased, or damaged branches—these should be removed. Also look for spindly or weak growth, as well as any branches that are crossed or rubbing.
Pruning Trees and Shrubs                                       http://www.almanac.com/blog/gardening/garden-journal/when-prune-trees-and-shrubs?trk_msg=I25BT2NSEPIKTFGRMEBUISCGBC&trk_contact=EEBLFVJ2I0VAQT9EM5JFVJAK9O&trk_sid=0G99TLENJ9GBVUCK3D81RESH1O&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=When+to+Prune+Trees+and+Shrubs+(title)&utm_campaign=Companion+Daily

How to Grow Your Own Salad Greens

How to Grow Your Own Salad Greens

Growing your own salad greens will put a world of fresh ingredients at your fingertips. Whether you are a gourmet salad lover who likes to experiment with interesting greens or just want some homegrown lettuce, your choices are only limited by the seeds you can find and the space you have.

Types of Salad Greens

We always think of spinach and lettuce as spring greens, but there are many more to choose from. Look to the east—Asian greens such as napa, tatsoi, pac choi, mibuna, santoh, and hon tsai tai are especially suited to growing in cool spring weather. If you have never tasted any of these greens, then you are in for a treat. Some are hot and spicy, while others are quite mild. They can be eaten raw or cooked and will add flavor to any salad or stir-fry.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dahlias How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Dahlias


How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Dahlias

Dahlias are colorful spiky flowers which generally bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best.
In cold climates of North America, dahlias are known as tuberous-rooted tender perennials, grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring.
Dahlias come in a rainbow of colors and even range in size, from the giant 10-inch “dinnerplate” blooms to the 2-inch lollipop-style pompons. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.
Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, such as much of Texas and Florida, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias thrive in the cool, moist climates of the Pacific Coast, where blooms may be an inch larger and deeper.


  • Don’t be in a hurry to plant; dahlias will struggle in cold soil. Ground temperature should reach 60°F. Wait until all danger of spring frost is past before planting. (We plant them a little after the tomato plants go in.)
  • Select a planting site with full sun. Dahlias grow more blooms with 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight. They love the morning sunlight best. Choose a location with a bit of protection from the wind.
  • Dahlias thrive in rich, well-drained soil. PH level of your soil should be 6.5-7.0, slightly acidic.If you have a heavier soil, add in sand, peat moss or bagged steer manure to lighten and loosen the soil texture for better drainage. 
  • Bedding dahlias can be planted 9 to 12 inches apart. The smaller flowering types, which are usually about three feet tall, should be spaced two feet apart. The taller, larger-flowered dahlias should be spaced three feet apart.
  • The planting hole should be slightly larger than the root ball of the plant and incorporate some compost or sphagnum peat moss into the soil. It also helps to mix a handful of bonemeal into the planting hole. Otherwise, do not fertilize at planting.
  • Avoid dahlia tubers that appear wrinkled or rotten. A little bit of green growth is a good sign. Don’t break or cut individual dahlia tubers as you would potatoes.
  • Plant them whole, with the growing points, or “eyes,” facing up, about 6 to 8 inches deep. The crowns should be just above soil level.
  • Tall, large-flowered cultivars will require support. Place stakes (five to six feet tall) around plants at planting time and tie stems to them as the plants grow.
  • Large dahlias and those grown solely for cut flowers are best grown in a dedicated plot in rows on their own, free from competition from other plants. Dahlias of medium to low height mix well with other summer flowers. If you only have a vegetable garden, it’s the perfect place to put a row of dahlias for cutting (and something to look at while you’re weeding!).
  • Dahlias start blooming about 8 weeks after planting, starting in mid-July.
  • Some gardeners start tubers indoors a month ahead to get a jump on the season.
  • Do not water the tubers right after planting; this encourages rot. Wait until the sprouts have appeared above the soil to water.
  • Do not cover the dahlias with mulch or bark or sprouting is more challenging; apply slug and snail bait to avoid pests.


  • There’s no need to water the soil until the dahlia plants appear; in fact, overwatering can cause tubers to rot. After dahlias are established, provide a deep watering 2 to 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes with a sprinkler (and more in dry, hot climates).
  • Dahlias benefit from a low-nitrogen liquid fertilizer (similar to what you would use for vegetables) such as a 5-10-10 or 10-20-20. Fertilize after sprouting and then every 3 to 4 weeks from mid-summer until early Autumn. Do NOT overfertilize, especially with nitrogen, or you risk small/no blooms, weak tubers, or rot.
  • Like many large-flower hybrid plants, the big dahlias may need extra attention before or after rain, when open blooms tend to fill up with water or take a beating from the wind.
  • Bedding dahlias need no staking or disbudding; simply pinch out the growing point to encourage bushiness, and deadhead as the flowers fade. Pinch the center shoot just above the third set of leaves.
  • For the taller dahlias, insert stakes at planting time. Moderately pinch, disbranch, and disbud, and deadhead to produce a showy display for 3 months or more.
  • Dahlia foliage blackens with the first frost.
  • Dahlias are hearty to zone 8 and can be cut back and left in the ground to overwinter; cover with a deep, dry mulch. Elsewhere, the tuberous roots should be lifted and stored during the winter. (Some readers find, however, that dahlias will survive in zone 7 if the winter isn’t too severe.)


  • Slugs and snails: Bait 2 weeks after planting and continue to bait throughout the season.
  • Mites: To avoid spider mites, spray beginning in late July and continue to spray through September. Speak to your garden center about recommended sprays for your area.
  • Earwigs and Cucumber Beetle: They can eat the petals though they do not hurt the plant itself.
  • Aphids
  • Deer: Find a list of deer-resistant plants to grow around your dahlias.
  • Powdery Mildew: This commonly shows up in the fall. You can preventatively spray before this issue arises from late July to August.


Taking Up the Tubers

In cold regions, if you wish to save your plants, you have to dig up the tubers in early fall and store them over the winter.
Dahlias may be hardy to USDA Zone 8. There they can be left in the ground to overwinter. In areas that get frost, including most parts of Zone 5, a killing frost—or a touch of frost—can help the bulb to shut down/go dormant.
  • Foliage should be cut back to 2 to 4 inches above ground and lifting and separating should be completed.
  • Gently shake the soil off the tubers.
  • Cut rotten tubers off the clump and leave upside down to dry naturally.
  • Pack in a loose, fluffy material (vermiculite, dry sand, Styrofoam peanuts).
  • Store in a well-ventilated, frost-free place—40 to 45 degrees F is ideal, 35 to 50 degrees F is acceptable.
  • Take out the tubers in the spring, separate them from the parent clump, and begin again.
  • If this all seems like too much bother or you do not have the right storage place, skip digging and storing, and just start over by buying new tubers in the spring.

Recommended Varieties

Wit & Wisdom

The dahlia was named for Anders Dahl (botanist), born on March 17, 1751.
The Dahlia you brought to our isle
Your praises forever shall speak

‘Mid gardens as sweet as your smile
And colour as bright as your cheek
–Lord Holland (1773–1840)

LadyBug Garden Tidbit Of The Month

LadyBug Garden Tidbit Of The Month

St.Lukes Indian Summer~Tidbit Of The Month

Lovely, summer like days that occur around October 18 are called Saint Luke’s Little Summer in honor of the saint’s feast day. Around this time, Saint Luke’s feast day, there is a period brief period of calm, dry weather. Of course, it’s difficult to generalize today across the vast continent of North America, but the temperature is usually mild and the leaf colors are turning a gorgeous color. It’s a good time for a brief vacation or visit to a park. In Venice, Italy, they say: “San Luca, El ton va te la zuca” (Pumpkins go stale on St Luke’s Day), but here in North America, pumpkins are enjoying their finest hour. Saint Luke is the patron saint of physicians and surgeons so it seems only fitting that the good doctor give us these calm days. In olden days, St. Luke’s Day did not receive as much attention in the secular world as St. John’s Day (June 24) and Michaelmas (September 29), so it was to keep from being forgotten that St. Luke presented us with some golden days to cherish before the coming of winter, or so the story goes. Some folks call this Indian Summer, but that officially occurs between November 11 and November 20.

When To Plant Mums

When To Plant Mums
Tip of the month

How To Make A Succulent Wreath

How To Make A Succulent Wreath
This turns Out So Pretty! Click on picture for directions

LadyBug Painted Rocks

LadyBug Painted Rocks
For Your Garden

Painted Garden Rocks

Learn to make these adorable ladybug painted rocks. use special outdoor paint for this adorable garden craft so you can keep garden ladybugs…


  • Patio Paint in colors of your choice (I used Larkspur Blue, Petunia Purple, Fiesta Yellow, Fuchsia, Citrus Green and Salmon)

  • Smooth rocks, preferably oval or round in shape

  • Paintbrush

  • Toothpick

  • Outdoor sealer or Patio Paint Clear Coat

Do It Yourself Projects

Do It Yourself Projects
Harvest~Autumn Costume

LadyBug Directions

Ladybugs are the one crawly creature most kids find fun, cute and friendly. Any child will feel the same wearing this simple, comfortable costume.

Materials Needed:

2 pieces (12 x 18 inches) stiff red felt
1 piece (12 x 18 inches) black felt
2 hook-and-loop stick-on buttons
2 large black chenille pipe cleaners
1 regular black pipe cleaner
1 square (12 inches) stick-on black felt
1 black headband
1 black turtleneck top
1 pair black leggings

Step 1

To make the ladybug's wings, draw a semicircle on each piece of stiff red felt. You can attach a 12-inch piece of string to a pencil and, holding the string end midway on the 18-inch side of the felt, draw a semicircle by swinging the pencil in an arc. Curve the top of each wing as shown at right.

Step 2

To make the yoke, fold the black felt piece in half lengthwise. At the center of the folded edge, cut a 5-inch, curved neck opening. Curve the outer edges of the yoke and cut the center open as shown in the photo.

Step 3

Attach the top of the wings to the back of the yoke with glue or needle and thread. Add hook-and-loop buttons to either side of the yoke opening. Sew or glue the large chenille pipe cleaners to the outside joints between the yoke and the wings: these are the bug's extra legs.

Step 4

Use a glass to trace 7 black dots on the stick-on black felt. Cut out the dots and stick them to the ladybug wings as shown in the photo.

Step 5

Glue the center of the regular black pipe cleaner to the center of the headband. Reinforce it with a strip of black stick-on felt. Curl ends of pipe cleaner to complete the antennae.

Step 6

Dress the child in the black turtleneck, leggings, wings with yoke and headband.

Cute Harvest Costume

Cute Harvest Costume
Click on photo for directions



LadyBug Recipe Today

LadyBug Recipe Today
I love to search, find, share recipes to cook,bake and serve.